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29th May 2024


1. Committee of Management Appointments.
The incoming Committee of Management shall annually, at its first meeting, appoint as
considered necessary for the good running of the Association roles such as Band Coordinator,
Property Manager and Publications Editor. These appointments shall be advised to the
Members via the Newsletter.
2. Identity Badges
Committee of Management members shall be supplied with and shall wear identify badges on
Association Nights and at all other Association functions and activities.
3. Association Night
(i) This shall be arranged weekly whenever possible and practicable.
(ii) A standard door charge shall be set by the Committee of Management and reviewed
from time to time but not less than annually. The charge shall be two-tier with a
concessional rate for Members. A special higher rate for both categories shall be set
by the Committee of Management for those occasions when a Guest Artist or Artists
perform at an additional cost to the Club.
(iii) A general Raffle, Money Board and other fund raising events may be conducted
among those present when it is lawful and practical to do so.
(iv) The duties of personnel on Door Roster shall be in written form and a copy shall be
available on all Association nights.
(v) A different Band shall be booked to appear on consecutive Association Nights and
shall be selected and approved by the Committee of Management. The actual
bookings shall be arranged by the Band Co-ordinator. Bands are to be paid the rate or
rates as determined by the Committee of Management from time to time.
vi) Guest Artists shall be engaged to perform and when it is appropriate the Association
shall pay for and arrange:
(a) Fares to and from Perth
(b) Accommodation as necessary
(c) A predetermined playing fee for performances at all or either Association
Night(s), Workshop/Seminars, Jazz Picnic.
The Guest Artists(s) shall sign a contract to perform as agree in return for a fee(s) as
set by the Committee of Management.
4. Conduct of Members
(i) Members are at all times to conduct themselves in a manner which shows
respect for the Association. They shall maintain a neat and tidy standard of
dress. Subject to and in conjunction with Rule 12 of the Rules of Association, in
the case of a misdemeanor or the misconduct of a member, the Committee may
exercise full power, at its discretion, to advise, reprimand, suspend, expel or
impose penalties on any member of the Association who, in the sole and absolute
judgment of the majority of the Committee, has been found guilty, either in or out
of the Club premises, of any act, practice, conduct, or circumstance which
discredits or prejudices the reputation of the Club, or impairs or affects the
enjoyment of the Club by other members, or causes ill-feeling or friction between
or among members. The offending member has the right to appeal and be heard
at a subsequent committee hearing.
(ii) Members shall advise the Membership Officer of their current postal or email
address, and all notices required to be sent or given to Members shall be deemed to
have been to such address as is last known, whether notified as current or not.
(iii) No Member shall remove from the Association upon any pretext whatsoever any
newspaper, book or any other article, or item of equipment, the property of the
Association, unless duly authorised to do so.
(iv) Any Member who shall destroy, damage or lose any property belonging to, or in the
care of the Association, shall be liable for the full cost of replacing same.
5. Band Members
Band Members and especially band leaders are strongly encouraged to be financial members
of the Association.
6. Hire or Loan of Equipment
Association equipment shall not be hired out with or without a charge and shall be used only
for Association purposes. This Clause shall not preclude the signing of a formal Contract for
the loan of an instrument owned by the Association.
7. Association Identity
(i) Official Association colours shall be Black on Gold. These shall be used wherever
possible for and in conjunction with Association functions.
(ii) The Association shall have an Official Logo.
8. Life Members shall receive
(i) Free admission on Association Nights
(ii) Free annual Membership
(iii) Complimentary Tickets to Association functions and events
(iv) Life Member’s Badge
(v) Life Member’s Certificate
A Life Member’s partner shall also receive items (i) to (iii) inclusive.
9. Patron shall receive
(i) Free admission on Association Nights
(ii) Free Annual Membership
(iii) Complimentary Tickets to Association functions and events.
The Patron’s partner shall also receive items (i) to (iii) inclusive.
10. Concession Admission
The following shall be admitted without charge on Association Nights, excluding specific Fund
Raising functions.
(i) Association Committee of Management Members
(ii) Association members on Rostered Door Duty
(iii) Spouse of Musician on those Nights on which the Musician has been booked to
perform at the Association (excluding big bands).
(vii) Door Roster volunteers on production of their “free pass” received in return for their
services on Door Duty.
11. Members’ Rate Admission
Visiting members of other Jazz clubs shall be admitted at Member rate on Association Nights
on production of evidence of their current Club Membership status
12. Birthday Party
The Committee of Management shall endeavor to organize a function on a suitable date in
November each year. The function shall have a theme, with other details as arranged and
13. Newsletter
The Association shall publish a Newsletter titled JAZZNOTES. The publication shall be the
official organ of the Association and it shall be produced monthly and distributed to all
Members and such other Organizations and Individuals as shall be required by Law and/or as
determined by the Committee of Management. The Publications Editor shall be responsible
to the Committee of Management for the content of the Newsletter.


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