The Venue
Our weekly events are at the Civic Hotel, 981 Beaufort St, Inglewood. The Civic Hotel is the home of the Milk Bar, a renowned band room, hosting our events since 2022.
The room features a large stage, equipped with high-end lighting and sound gear operated by the venue's sound engineer.
Seating is cabaret-style and meals and bar are available.
The Civic Hotel offers a 10% discount on hotel purchases made using The Pass, a convenient smart phone app from Australian Venue Co (AVC) that facilitates easy table service for food and drinks. Associate your account with the Jazz Club of WA by entering the code JAZZCLUBWA when setting up your account and you will receive credit points equivalent to a further 10% credit towards future purchases at any AVC venue, as well as ensuring that the club also receives a similar benefit on your purchases.

Parking & Entry
There is a large, well lit, free carpark behind the venue; entry is through the rear beer garden and via the hotel. Club members are happy to assist patrons to and from their car.
Entry from Beaufort Street ( bus route 950 ) is through the main bar.